FAQ: How Often?

massage therapy frequency recommendations

By Arynn - August 10, 2016

LoDo Massage Studio clients often ask — “how often should I be getting massage therapy?”

    Well, since you ask, all of LoDo’s massage therapists can recommend a frequency for your specific body needs, but a general recommendation is to receive massage at least once a month so as not to negate the progress of the previous treatment. Once a month massage therapy is ideal for a client who has moderate stress and is less active. Increased athletic activity, a high-stress lifestyle, prior injuries, spinal conditions, pre-existing inflammation, poor posture, frequent traveling and clients with seated, sedentary professions are encouraged to come in at least twice per month or more. Tension builds on top of tension when it is left untreated, so corrective body work can take longer if a regular massage therapy regimen is neglected.

    Athletes, like LoDo Massage Studio’s sponsored athlete Sarah Stanley, generally have a wellness plan recommended by their coaches or training regimen that includes massage therapy. Regular massage therapy should not be skipped when training as it has been proven to reduce tension, reduce muscle hypertonicity, improve soft tissue function, decrease DOMS, improve cardiovascular function, and promote mobility and muscle release that can help prevent future injuries. Intense athletic goals and rigorous sports do require more massage therapy than others. For example, our amazing fire fighter and professional football clients will often come in on a weekly basis.

    A final recommendation, for those seeking to manage pain through massage therapy, is that they start with a higher frequency of massage and then lessen the treatments as needed. Inflammation caused by a poor sleeping posture, a sports injury, car accident or otherwise that does not need intensive medical attention for recovery can be highly benefitted by massage therapy once or twice per week. If you were not aware already, the muscular, nervous and cardiovascular systems of the body are all benefitting from a Mile High Massage. By dilating blood vessels, massage therapy promotes circulation and oxygenation of the tissues to aid recovery of an injury. By reducing stress and cortisol, the nurturing parasympathetic nervous system is heightened, which can produce natural pain relief. And of course, massage therapy mobilizes and professionally manipulates the superficial muscular system to provide relief from tension, muscle soreness and the like.

* Pro Tip — hydrate more than normal after your massage, because whether you reside in Denver (the Mile High City) or not, the altitude will increase the effects of dehydration and the symptoms of toxin release after massage. We know, because #WeMassageDenver. ;-)


A massage newbie? Feel free to check out our LoDo Massage FAQ: http://lodomassagestudio.com/common-massage-yoga-questions


LoDo Massage Studio Staff

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