6 Health Boosting Tips for a Summer in Denver
The snow and rain are coming to an end and making way for another sun and fun-filled summer in Colorado. It’s important to make sure you’re taking care of yourself so that you have the best time. Keep these tips in mind to stay in optimal tip-top health:
1.Stay Hydrated
While 8 to 10 glasses is commonly the recommended amount of water to drink each day, remember: You’re at high altitude here in the “Mile High City.†You might even be at double or triple that elevation if you’re out on a mountain adventure. You may not notice how much water you’re losing, since the dry climate evaporates sweat more quickly. High altitude can also make you need to urinate more often.
The Institute for Altitude Medicine recommends drinking extra 1 to 1.5 liters of water daily when at high altitude (between 5,000 and 10,000 feet), and the Wilderness Medical Society recommends drinking 3 to 4 liters of liquid containing 200 to 300 grams of carbohydrates (think: sports mixes) above 10,000 feet.
2.Use SunscreenÂ
The high altitude means you’re that much closer to the sun, making UV damage a likelier risk if you live in or are visiting Colorado. Protect yourself from sunburn and skin cancer by using a skin and eco-friendly organic sunscreen instead of a harsh aerosol spray. Reapply often, especially if you’re getting sweaty or spending time in water. Make sure to grab some SPF lip balm too!
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3.Go OfflineÂ
Remind yourself that it’s okay to miss a few hours of updates on your social media. Whether you’re on a multi-day backpacking trip or walking your dog through your neighborhood, resist the urge to snapchat a selfie or scroll through your newsfeed. Instead, see what happens when you're more present in the moment.  Researchers like Holli-Anne Passmore at the University of British Columbia have found empirical evidence that there are mental health benefits to taking time to notice the beauty of nature.
4.Eat Local and Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables
We have a relatively short growing season here in Denver, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try your hand at flexing your green thumb. Hardy root vegetables like carrots and potatoes and leafy greens like kale and arugula grow pretty darn well in this mountainous part of the country. If gardening isn’t for you, there are plenty of farmer’s markets around town you can support!
5.Ride a BikeÂ
Denver has been ramping up bike accessibility, so you can ride around town more safely. There are B-cycle stations all around town if you don’t feel like lugging around a lock. Checkout where these stations are at this link:Â
https://denver.bcycle.com/. Make sure to wear a helmet, and don’t forget your lights and a water bottle.
After doing all the fun things there are to do in Colorado, it’s nice to take some time for yourself and relax with a massage. Massage helps regulate the parasympathetic, or “rest and relax†part of your nervous system, which is responsible for maintaining the calm and balance in your body. Book a massage with one of our exceptional therapists today! link here:Â
Get outside and enjoy your summer Denverians! Â